New iPod Touch/iPhone Dating Sim App

Yes, you all heard right! Those of you who own a iPod Touch/iPhone and enjoy a casual english/japanese interactive dating sim game can now rejoice at this new dating sim app titled Heian Love! I don’t plan on giving out spoilers, but I will give you guys a basic review of the storyline and what to expect if you plan to get this game.  However for those that are interested, but can’t play the game, I might send ya a few CG pictures here and there. So, with that said, on with the review!

The setting takes place in the Heian Period of Japan where you play a young lady attendant at an imperial court. You’re not exactly used to the court since you’ve been living on the countryside of Japan. You’re at the age where your father wishes for you to find someone to marry and settle down, but you haven’t given much thought to it.

Until one day you come across a beautiful love poem addressed to you. Your heart is set aflutter and you wish to meet the man who would write such beautiful words. The problem is that you have no idea who it is. And so begins your hunt for this mysterious secret admirer/poet.

The choices you make can make or break the deal with the suitor of your choice and it’s up to you to find out who sent the letter and have a happy ending. Basically a straightforward plot, but I think it’s cute nonetheless.

Okay, now here are a few things to keep in mind if you do plan on getting this app. Like any other game, Heian Love also has its advantages and disadvantages. For one, it’s both in English and in Japanese so there’s no need to worry about not being able to translate something. You can switch to either language, but make sure to choose a language before you play because if you decide to switch from Japanese to English in the middle of the game, you automatically start over the game.

Second, there are a total of eight different suitors, but three of them are unobtainable unless you decide to pay a dollar or two more for it. I personally think that sucks, but if you don’t mind, go for it! I actually might throw in a little extra for another character. There are different types of endings. Not just happy or sad ending. There’s the happiest ending, happier ending, happy ending, and so forth. I’ve only played the game for like two hours and so far I’ve gotten a happier ending, so not the perfect ending, but close.

Unfortunately, even though this game does include cute CG graphics, it doesn’t include background music or character voices. Personally it’s a little off-putting, but I learn to live with it. Just put on some background music or something if you really need to hear music while you play.

Overall, this is a cute interactive game and I’d recommend it for any girl that’s interested in a dating sim game that owns an iPhone/iTouch. Oh, and if you can get your hands on this app, be sure to check out Road to Emerald or Pinky Distortion.  Heian Love isn’t the only otome game out there! XD

About Trish

Hey guys, what's up? My name's Patrice but sometimes I go by Trish. I'm a sophomore college student who's a casual video game player and Fanfiction writer that's majoring in Communications and minor in Journalism. I enjoy doing creative writing in my spare time, but I've never published any creative works... hopefully someday I will. The purpose of this blog is to write about some of my interests which revolves around video games, otome games in particular and visual novels. I plan to write basic reviews of games I'm playing or even blog about what's going on in general. So feel free to shoot me a comment or question if you have any, I don't bite. ^.^
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